The project approach

The Project Approach is a children-centred learning model. The approach is founded on a few core principles: doing research, “learning-by-doing”, sharing everyday experiences, making hypotheses and looking for evidence. It is believed that through interesting learning activities, the students’ learning motivation will be enhanced as well as their curiosity.

《襪子裏的禮物》( in Chinese Version)

《小豬的雨傘》( in Chinese Version)

《決定了!你就是我的媽媽》( in Chinese Version)

《不要再有蝴蝶結》( in Chinese Version)

《喀嚓喀嚓理髮師花椰菜先生》( in Chinese Version)

《橡皮筋可以拉多長》( in Chinese Version)

《愛蓋章的國王》( in Chinese Version)

《來幫忙囉-家事小幫手》( in Chinese Version)

《失物招領所》( in Chinese Version)

《皮皮放屁屁 ( in Chinese Version)